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Digital Marketing Made Easy

Digital Marketing Services


We have been in business for over 30 years and have been successfully providing digital content for hundreds of the nation's leading businesses. In addition to providing high quality digital video content, we also provide digital marketing strategies and plans to help build your business. Here's a bit about how we work to help you.


The most important job during this first step is to LISTEN…LISTEN… LISTEN! Constructing a digital marketing plan is like building a house. You have to get the framework completed before you worry about the interior design meaning we have to have the delivery systems set up and in place before we focus on content. With that in mind, we need to gather critical input in the following areas:

  • Wants, needs and desires from your marketing plan

  • Current Web Site

  • Current Social Media configuration

  • Current Media Contact configuration

  • Current Branding/Messaging

  • Logo thoughts and brand standards

  • E Blast Contacts Lists

Brand Development

The primary objective will be to create your messaging and overall branding. Success is based on uniformity and consistency of message throughout all efforts. The "message" must resonate with your customers.

We would intend, after gathering as much input as possible, to create a comprehensive plan. The Plan is the keystone to successfully branding your company. It is the central element that locks everything else together—including the website, social media, media releases, internal and external information flow and so on. In fact, the Plan will ensure all components work together in one cohesive initiative to support your branding efforts.

The Plan

The Plan would include, but is not limited to, the following elements:


It is worth considering creation of a logo mark for your company, if you don't already have one. A good mark can be tied directly to your company name and translates better on social media. Additionally, your web site has what is called a favicon that ties to your site. A free standing logo mark translates better in this application, as well.

Web Site

By creating a system of posting news, stories, announcements, and events to your website and then using other methods of communication to drive traffic to the website, we bolster your marketing efforts year-round. Not only should your website be filled with useful information that makes your brand look amazing, but it creates an invaluable online presence that is an always-available resource for prospective customers. It is of critical importance that your site be mobile friendly. As we learn more about your hosting plan and costs of the site, it might be possible to work with the existing platform and only change the layouts to conform with your new brand standards. It is also important that the web site contain links to ALL social media featured prominently on the site. We have found that "less is more" when it comes to web sites. Folks just aren't going to read page after page of information and data.

Social Media

Once good habits for using your website are in place, the next pillar of successful marketing is social media, a great way to genuinely connect to your prospects and the general public. This is important because the business of assisting your clients with their needs is very personal. They trust that you will provide 100% personalized effort for them. That’s a lot of trust they’re demonstrating in your team to deliver positive results.

Social Media supports that trust by positively confirming that they have made an excellent choice working with you. Social media also encourages relationships by opening a window to your methods and activity and showing the great things that are happening. As your focus shifts throughout the year, social media helps you to not only promote your brand and events but also to connect with our customers and key stakeholders.

The key social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. LinkedIn is valuable in it's own way, as well. We should have all in place and easy to use. All posts should conform to your unique messaging.

Social Media Tips

Each social media platform has its own audience. And each audience has their own expectations for the things they want to see on the platform – that can affect how well your social media posts perform. Below are examples of what to share to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Facebook: Good for news/entertainment related content. Share long and short videos, photos, blogs, and articles.

Instagram: Good for highly visual content. Share high-resolution photos, short videos (under one-minute) and quote graphics.

LinkedIn: Good for professional content targeting B2B audiences. Share company news and industry data.

Pinterest: Similar to Instagram, good for highly visual content. Share infographics, photos, and step-by-step photo guides.

Email Blasts

We should seriously discuss the use of eBlasts as another way to stay connected to your audiences. The key to these is brevity, consistency and entertaining/compelling content. eBlasts cannot be overused! We'll examine your list and discuss this aspect.

Video Content

Needless to say, video content is an important part of all of your efforts. A "corporate branding" video featuring you, testimonials, etc. is very worth considering. From one shoot we can pull any number of adaptations. Certainly this is necessary for your web site, but social media gobbles up video in a big way. Again, brevity and compelling content is the key.

Other Areas of Focus

Our marketing should also deal with the following:

  • Media Relations/Contact

  • New Releases

  • Blogs/Thought Leadership

  • Electronic Newsletters

  • Special Events

  • Development of Contact Lists

  • Social Media guidelines


We would begin implementation of the plan upon your agreement for services. The initiatives mentioned here can take a variety of forms, however, it is of utmost importance that everything we do is in keeping with your established messaging and goals. You have a brand to protect and build. The messaging is all-important.

Once your structure is in place we will turn our attention to content development. If we address each of these focuses over the course of the year as a separate little event, they would likely turn out okay. However, if we work together with a strategic year-long plan in mind, clear goals and a strong and consistent message throughout the year, everything works together and turns out impressively cohesive and impactful.

A strong plan takes all of those disconnected events and ties them together with a strategy—each initiative supports the other and every event we develop relates to a mission and vision bigger than just the single initiative itself.

The key to rolling out a well thought out marketing program involves unity around key messages. This standardizes all of your communications. That, in turn, extends to your customers and community. It creates consistency in all messaging, helping to reduce confusion or missed information and promote your brand and build your business.

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