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Digital Marketing Made Easy
Digital Marketing Services Background We have been in business for over 30 years and have been successfully providing digital content for...
Narrative Short Films...A Strategic Way to Brand
On NUMEROUS occasions, far too many to count, I’ve been asked why I like making short films since “they will never make any money.” I...
Saving the American Mustang
Recently, I had the pleasure of traveling to Utah and Nevada to capture wild mustangs in their natural habitat. This was an experiential...
VR Is The Buzzword
VR is the buzzword of the moment in advertising and business communications. But how can a business effectively use VR? VR is a truly...
Creating an Animated Character
We’re all familiar with the many iconic animated characters that have represented brands throughout the history of advertising. They’ve...
Video Content Tips for Business
After spending over three decades in the video production business, I’m like the Farmer’s Insurance spokesman…“We know a thing or two...
Interview Tips for Executives
A great deal of content seen in corporate communications features on-camera interviews with executives and key personal. If your...
Diversity in video and advertising.
As a director, it's pretty damn cool when someone asks you, “What can I do to help?” I get this question a lot, but not referring to...
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